The award ceremony took place during the Weekend with the team that represented our country
at the world championships in Belgium at Groomania, where the exclusive sponsor was Hi-Pets. During
weekend with the team, judge Isabella Jane Doblas Jones was a special guest who presented awards and
he conducted pet grooming seminars. An additional attraction of the weekend with the staff was the show
new Team Poland where everyone presented their work during the seminar.
Over 50 groomers took part in the 2-day seminar. The next event was
announcement of the Expo Weekend. A seminar on trimming led by Eliza Tomczak and
poodle grooming by Wiesława Latoś. An additional attraction during the event was to be
Occupational specializations for specific breeds. Unfortunately, the project was not popular and the event
has been cancelled. The event was to take place in Bydgoszcz on September 17-18 during the fair