The Association of Polish Groomers is pleased to invite you to a seminar by Umberto Lehmann. During the seminar, the presenter presented the Kerry Blue Terrier.
A few words about the presenter:
UMBERTO LEHMANN – Umberto is President of the European Grooming Association (E.G.A.) organizer of the World Team Grooming Championship, as well as the Individual Grooming Championship and owner and organizer of the International Grooming Competition “MilanGroom”. He opened his first grooming salon in Milano in 1985 after having been in breeding, showing and training and started giving formation and specialization courses in his Grooming School getting more than 500 students. From 1985 to 2001 he won several gold and silver medals in USA, Europe and Canada in Poodle, Handstripping, Purebreds Scissoring and Spaniels. He was member of the Italian Team that got the third place in the World Team Championship in Intergroom U.S.A. 1996.
He was member of the European Team that got the second place in the 2001 World Team Championship in Canada. From 1989 to
nowadays Umberto has been judging in more than 400 International Grooming Competitions, gave grooming demonstrations in more than 450 seminars in USA, all over Europe, Ukraine, Russia, Taiwan, India, Brazil, Japan, China, Korea. He has received the Cardinal Crystal Grooming Achievement Award in 1987 as “International Groomer of the year”. Umberto has been judging in the World Team Grooming Championship in England in 1999 as well as in Spain in 2003, in France 2005, in Germany 2009, in Belgium 2011, in Spain 2013, in Italy 2015, then President of the Jury in 2017 and 2022.
In 2018 he received the Shirlee Kalstone Global Achievement from the Groom Team USA “In recognition of exceptional effort in
connecting grooming competitions and grooming educational
programs internationally, and bringing the World Team Championship to Olympic proportions”. He also received two
Lifetime Achievement awards from England (Liz Paul award at
Master Groom Show) and from Spain (at Artero Grand Slam).