The Polish Groomers Association was established in 2009 on the initiative of Bogdan Widera. The founding members were: Wiesława Latoś and Katarzyna Palka.

PSG, upon its entry into the National Court Register, came under the patronage of EGA.

The first president of PSG was Bogdan Widera, mentioned above, followed by: Eliza Tomczak, Milena Żygadło and Magdalena Błońska, who holds this position to this day.

Less than a year after its foundation, PSG organized its first competition and seminars led by Umberto Lehmann and Denys Lorain.

The PSG Management Board and its members adopted the statute. Its main goal is to promote the idea of ​​integrating groomers from all over Poland and even the world. As part of the cooperation between groomers, the idea of ​​hairdressing and animal care is promoted in society. Various initiatives are also undertaken, addressed to groomers, but aimed at stimulating them to become groomers.