Grooming seminar and workshops / Owińska near Poznań November 19-20, 2011
The classes were conducted by Denys Lorrain (France), vice president of the European Grooming Association, world-famous grooming judge, groomer, cynologist, breeder, handler, winner of many awards in prestigious hairdressing competitions.
Denys Lorrain received many prestigious awards as a groomer: he won the Best in Show award several times in several categories, a gold medal at Intergroom in New York. and in 1997 he was honored with the title of World Champion. Since 1998, he has been an international judge of grooming competitions. He has judged three world championships, the European Oster Championships and many other grooming competitions throughout America and Europe. He also participated in various shows that took place in Canada, the United States, Argentina, Taiwan, Russia and Europe. Read more on the Slicey website
During two-day classes at the Germapol company stand, participants could purchase all the tools used for demonstrations during seminars and workshops and even more…
All workshop participants received cosmetics sets from Vulpes.
Event program
Saturday, November 19, 2011
09:00-13:00 Seminar and demo “Exhibition and commercial grooming of West Highland White Terriers – similarities and differences in effective techniques”
14:00-18:00 Seminar and demo “Preparation and cutting of breeds for modeling on the example of an American-type soft coated wheaten terrier – scissors techniques in grooming”
The master presented exhibition grooming. He explained the differences in exhibition and commercial grooming and the preparation of the above-mentioned breed for grooming competitions. During the seminars, tools and cosmetics necessary to perform a Westa grooming session were presented. During the presentation of scissors techniques, the leader presented and explained what cutting effect we can achieve by using different scissors techniques on the same model.
19:30 Dinner with Denys Lorrain
Sunday, November 20, 2011
09:00-13:00 Grooming workshops for Group I
14:00 – 18:00 Grooming workshops for Group II
The tables for the workshops were provided by GERMAPOL.
Participants of seminars and workshops received certificates confirming their participation, signed on site by the lecturer.
Report from the meeting of the management board and the audit committee of PSG / Czerwonak near Poznań, July 31, 2011
The meeting was composed of: president Bogusław Widera, vice-president Milena Zgadło, chairwoman of the Audit Committee Eliza Tomczak, deputies Wiesława Latoś, Krzysztof Moskwa. The absent vice president, Katarzyna Palka, participated in the meeting via teleconference.
The attendance list is a separate document.
The course of the meeting in brief
it was decided to change the name of SGS to the Polish Dog Grooming Championships + year and city
in 2012 the Championships will be held in Poznań
the costs related to organizing the Polish Dog Grooming Championships were discussed
President Bogusław Widera submitted a written resignation from his position to the meeting. At. At 1:00 p.m. the resignation was accepted by the current members of the Management Board and the Audit Committee.
At 1:30 p.m., the Chairwoman of the Audit Committee, Eliza Tomczak, submitted her written resignation. The resignation was accepted by the members present
by way of co-optation, the Management Board composed of Vice-President Milena Zygadło and Vice-President Katarzyna Palka appointed Col. Eliza Tomczak for the vacant position of president in accordance with paragraph 22 point 3 of the PSG statute.
by way of co-optation, the Audit Committee composed of Krzysztof Moskwa and Wiesława Latoś elected Magdalena Felis for the vacant position in the Audit Committee in accordance with paragraph 22.3 of the PSG statute.
The complete set of documents from the meeting is available for inspection by the president of PSG, Eliza Tomczak. At the same time, we would like to inform you that from August 1, 2011, PSG’s contact telephone number is 501 454 508.
II International Dog Grooming Championships Silesia Grooming Show / Katowice July 2-3, 2011
“Beginner” category:
Maja Baron
Katarzyna Łagodzka
Monika Gunia
“Trim” category:
Pierluka Ramoni
Wiesława Latoś
Eliza Tomczak
Category “Spaniels”:
Jaroslav Fekiacov
Pierluka Ramoni
Anke Schfer
“Poodles” category:
Natalia Tikhonova
Evi Kunzi
Margrit Schonauer
Category “Other Pure Breeds”:
Eliza Tomczak
Milena Zygadło
Katarzyna Palka
Category “Department Specialty”:
Milena Zygadło
Aleksandra Zaremba
The Best Polish Groomer of 2011: Eliza Tomczak
Best in Show Silesia Grooming Show 2011
Articles in the press
Upgraded beauties / Żaneta Żmuda-Kozina
One of Katowice’s sports halls turned into a large beauty salon for two days. Masters of scissors and combs worked wonders to completely transform dogs of various breeds and win the highest trophies.
Grooming is still in its infancy in Poland, but there is no shortage of people seriously interested in this profession. Therefore, on the first weekend of July, the 2nd International Dog Grooming Championships – SILESIA GROOMING SHOW – took place in Katowice. In addition to domestic dog beauty specialists, there were also competitors from Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Slovakia and Switzerland. The judging panel was also international. For the initiated, the first point of the program was a seminar conducted by masters in this field. After a short lecture, the teachers stood behind the grooming tables and showed how to properly use scissors. Emilia Diaz, Denys Lorrain, Umberto Lehmann, Rony De Munter conjured up extraordinary wonders from the fur of completely ordinary dogs. Each animal they “made” aroused applause and thunderous applause from the audience.
– “I am very happy that more and more groomers from Poland decide to show their skills,” says one of the competition participants, Katarzyna Palka. – “Competitions of this type give the opportunity to watch the best at work, exchange experiences and make new friends,” he adds. Master groomers first showed their own skills and then played the role of judges. Seminar participants had the opportunity to personally discuss various grooming techniques with the masters. The training lasted almost half a day, and after it it was time to test the skills in practice. You could compete in the “trim” and “beginner” categories. 12 competitors took part in the first competition. Their models were primarily terrier dogs: Airedale terrier, fox terrier, lakeland terrier, west highland white terrier, and Welsh terrier. A Brussels Griffon and a Miniature Schnauzer also appeared.
Grooming competitions
The entire competition consisted of several stages, divided into two days. On Saturday, beginners with less than two years of experience showed their skills. Additionally, everyone – more and less experienced – took part in the “trimming” category, and this field of grooming is not easy, it requires a trained hand, regular movements and constant attention to ensure the dog’s comfort. On Sunday, there was a competition in the “spaniel” and “other pure breeds” categories. It was a higher driving school. Quadrupeds with a soft, wavy and semi-long coat structure are difficult subjects. It took the competitors 2.5 hours to prepare the spaniels (5 English and 3 American). On this day, all the dogs were mainly combed and cut, using scissors, because “classic” groomers do not use clippers. However, at the show one could notice people using modern devices, mainly for hygienic cutting of ears, paws and intimate areas. After completing this stage, it was time for the competition in the “poodle” and “house specialty” categories.
Additional attractions
As this was only the second competition of this rank in Katowice, there were few visitors by chance. Those who came here, despite the rainy weather, warmly encouraged the participants to fight for the cups. Everyone could admire the patience of the dogs who bravely stood on the trimming tables.
– “Compared to the previous year, this year’s Championships were more attractive for guests,” says Bogusław Widera, president of the Polish Groomers Association. – “We were given a large sports hall where spectators could move freely and see the tables of all participants. However, comparing our competitions to foreign competitions I have attended (France, Spain, Belgium, Germany), we are only at the beginning. In those countries The grooming profession itself has a longer history, there are definitely more people practicing this profession, and competitions have a much wider audience and an incomparably larger number of participants,” he adds. We believe that this new sports and aesthetic discipline will attract many dog lovers and dog grooming enthusiasts to Katowice in the coming years and will be a showcase of our country on the international grooming market.
Good luck!
A bright future / Friend Dog
The Katowice championship is so far the only competition of this type in Poland. During them, in addition to Polish, Italian and Spanish were heard, i.e. the languages of countries where this discipline is very popular and where the grooming gurus come from. In total, 30 participants from 8 countries took part in the event, and 38 dogs of 17 breeds were styled. Compared to last year, there is an increasing interest in grooming competitions not only among domestic hairdressers – foreign dog hair stylists have also permanently included the championships in Katowice in their calendar. – “In Poland, we cannot organize more competitions per year. The European Groomers Association only allows one event of this importance per year,” says Bogusław Widera. – “As the Polish Groomers Association, we organize shows, workshops and training sessions with the participation of local and foreign masters of dog styling throughout the year, in order to promote and learn proper cutting and trimming.”
Report on the statutory activities of PSG until February 28, 2011
Number of members:
Overall – 59 people;
Including those admitted in 2010 – 9 people;
Supporting members – 3 people;
Including those admitted in 2011 – 4 people.
The following events were organized:
November 2009:
Seminars and workshops with Umberto Lehmann. Demo conducted by Umberto Lehman – West Highland White Terrier and English Cocker Spaniel;
July 2010:
Seminars “The use of grooming equipment – theory and practice” – conducted by Bogusław Widera;
Seminar “York without secrets” – care and haircut of Yorkies and long-haired breeds. Hosted by Magdalena Świętoń. 19 people took part in the seminars, 3 people in the workshops, and 4 people in the Yorkie competition. We received prizes for the competition from XEVEN and BOBIK.
September 2010:
Seminars devoted to dog behavior problems during grooming in beauty salons. The classes were conducted by instructor Agata Dziubek.
October 2010:
SILESIA GROOMING SHOW, the first International Polish Dog Grooming Championship in Poland;
Seminars conducted by world-famous groomers: Umberto Lehmann demo poodle, Denys Lorrain demo wire-haired fox terrier, Romana Kania Divisowa demo bishon;
PSG has CDs from seminars available for purchase at the branch office or by post. Price PLN 30;
The prizes at these competitions were entirely funded by sponsors;
30 people took part in the seminars, 42 people in 2 classes and 6 categories took part in the competitions! Some participants competed in more than one category;
The organization of the competition was highly appreciated by EGA activists.
December 2010:
Seminars and workshops on “Trimping of wire-haired breeds”. The seminars were conducted by PSG members: B. Widera, E. Tomczak and M. Zygadło. 14 people took part in the seminars and 10 people in the workshops.
February 2011:
Seminars and workshops on “Modeling of pure breeds”. The classes were conducted by: black Russian terrier – Iwona Piotrowska, bishon – Wiesława Latoś, barbet – Bogusław Widera. 15 people took part in the seminars, 9 people took part in the workshops, viewers: 6 people.
Participants received diplomas or certificates for participating in all events organized by PSG.
PSG members who last year took part in an event organized by PSG or another event under the patronage of EGA received a CERTIFICATE ENTITLED TO WORK AS A GROOMER FOR 2011, indicating their specialization.
In 2010, the profession of a groomer was approved, which we are proud of. In the same year, we started cooperation with the Guild of Various Crafts.
Polish groomers received 16 nominations for awards at foreign grooming competitions in 2010 alone. In 2011, 2 nominations by the end of February.
The PSG forum was founded in December.
At the meeting summarizing the year 2010, the PSG Audit Committee did not find any irregularities in the functioning of the association.
We invite the owners of grooming salons to the seminars and workshops we organize and to join our Association. We invite experienced groomers to the 2nd Polish Dog Grooming Championships – SGS 2011.
Companies interested in cooperation with the Polish Groomers Association are invited to cooperate.
Seminars and workshops / February 26-27, 2011
The seminars were conducted by:
Agata Piotrowska – haircut and modeling of the Black Russian Terrier, owner of the Argus Electra breeding farm, groomer, breeder and breed enthusiast for 6 years, Argus Electra CONTESSA entered the Black Russian Terrier Show Ranking in two consecutive seasons, becoming TOP BITCH. He prepares CTRs from other leading breeding farms for exhibitions.
Wiesława Latoś – haircut and modeling of Bichon Frize and similar dogs (Poodle, Bedlington Terrier, etc.), member of PSG, breeder for 30 years, groomer for 15 years, artist, winner of 2nd place. at SGS in the class other pure breeds, owner of the LAVIS office.
Bogusław Widera – haircut and modeling of Barbet dogs, founder and President of PSG, multiple participant of international grooming competitions, grooming for 20 years, experienced vocational teacher, owner of BOBIK Hairdressing Plant.
During the barbet seminars, conducted by Bogusław Widera, the breed’s breeder, Ms. Anna Stępińska, conducted a 30-minute presentation to familiarize our groomers with the image of the breed.
Report from the PSG Management Board Meeting / Tuszyn on January 23, 2011
The meeting was composed of: President Bogusław Widera, Vice-President Katarzyna Palka, Vice-President Milena Zgadło, Audit Committee: Eliza Tomczak, Wiesława Latoś.
The Regulations of Salons Associated with PSG have been approved – they will be published soon.
The judging panel for SGS 2011 has been approved – the invited judges have confirmed our participation in the event – more information soon.
At SGS, a prize will be awarded to the person who, according to the judges, obtained the highest number of points.
The official telephone number of PSG is Bobik +48 322014271, available on Tue – Fri 12.00 – 17.00.
Since May 2011, participants must pay fees for events organized by PSG no later than the deadline for accepting applications.
From May 2011, information about events organized by PSG will be posted on the PSG website in Polish and English.
During the seminars and workshops on May 14-15, 2011 on the care of spaniels and setters, there will be a seminar with the participation of a veterinarian on medical problems in the work of a groomer.
On June 11-12, 2011, there will be seminars and workshops on the care of Yorkies and long-haired breeds. During the workshops, there will be a long-haired breeds haircutting competition.
The contribution for 2011 is PLN 200. The payment deadline has been extended to April 30, 2011. People associated with PSG taking part in seminars and workshops must have paid the membership fee for the current year.
year 2012
On November 24-25, 2012, a seminar and workshops were held at the JAŚMIN hotel in Owińska near Poznań:
It was the FIRST TRAINING IN POLAND on the use, adjustment and maintenance of grooming equipment in a wide range. How, when and for what to use straight and bent scissors, thinning scissors, trimmers of various types, grooming stone, furminator, Coat King and various types of cosmetics and sprays necessary to finish hairstyles and give them the desired effect.
Led by:
Denys Lorrain (France), Vice-President of the European Grooming Association, world-famous grooming judge, groomer, cynologist, breeder, handler, winner of many awards in prestigious hairdressing competitions. The grooming master presented novelties appearing on the grooming market. The show took place on several dogs with different types of fur. The training was the implementation of suggestions from grooming judges who observed the participants’ work during workshops and a dog grooming competition. Their attention was drawn to the incorrect use of grooming equipment and its incorrect application. Participating in this type of training once and for all dispelled any doubts arising during the work of a groomer.
Presentation of the cutting and care of the Black Russian Terrier led by Walter Mosna (Italy), a breeder and an outstanding grooming specialist of this breed. The training covered differences in types within the breed, exhibition and commercial grooming, similarities and differences in European and American styles.
During the workshops, it was possible to get acquainted in practice with the discussed equipment for various grooming techniques. The presenters showed the participants what equipment should be used to obtain the expected effect on a given model, and also suggested what preparations to use in order to obtain the best effect when presenting the dog at an exhibition and in a grooming competition.
The workshops were a unique opportunity for individual consultations with grooming masters! It was an opportunity to discover what we are doing wrong and what causes the difficulties in achieving the intended effect.
During the presentation, the masters included health and safety elements – how to work with the equipment to make your work easier and not to harm yourself and the dog, how to use the grooming equipment so that it does not suffer excessive damage.
Participants of seminars and workshops will receive certificates confirming their participation, signed on site by the presenters.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
09.00-13.00 seminar part 1, led by Denys Lorrain
13.00-14.00 lunch on site, ordered and paid individually by seminar participants; drinks available all day at the organizer’s expense
14.00-18.00 seminar part 2, led by Walter Mosna
Sunday, November 25, 2012
10.00-14.00 Group I
14.30-18.30 Group II
Other informations
The lectures were conducted in English and Italian and translated. Translation for seminars and workshops is provided by the organizer.
It is not allowed to record videos during seminars and workshops, and photography for personal purposes is only allowed without using a flash. The DVD recording will be available to participants at a very attractive price.
It is possible to participate in the workshops as a spectator, the price is for active participation.
Those interested in joining PSG are invited to participate in workshops where participants will have the opportunity to present their skills.
By completing the application form, people participating in the event agree to the publication of their image in order to promote the activities of the Association and the Jaśmin hotel.
It is possible to rent a dog for workshops. To make a reservation, please call the president, Eliza Tomczak, at 501 454 508. You will receive the breeder’s contact details, but PSG does not mediate in the financial settlement of the rental.
Dogs participating in the event must have a current rabies vaccination certificate.
When bringing a dog, the owner is responsible for any damage caused by it.
3rd International Polish Championships in Dog Grooming MASTERS GROOMING SHOW / Tarnowo Podgórne near Poznań July 7-8, 2012
Beginners category
Judyta Rzemieniec
Katarzyna Zarębska
Danuta Kiedrowska
Trimming category, open class (open stripping)
Wiesława Latoś
Nina Minchenko (Russia)
Bogusław Widera
Trim category, champion class (champion stripping):
Elena Vasilyeva (Russia)
Zygmunt Stelmach
Anke Schafer (Germany)
Spaniels and setters category (open spaniels):
Zygmunt Stelmach
Aicha Vermeulen (Belgium)
Krzysztof Moskwa
1st distinction: Anke Schafer (Germany)
2nd distinction: Małgorzata Świstek
Category other pure breeds (open other pure breeds):
Anna Kulichova (Slovakia)
Bogusław Widera
Doris Schmid (Germany)
Poodle category (open poodles):
Tatiana Golysheva (Russia)
Anna Bardysheva (Russia)
Pierluca Ramoni (Italy)
1st distinction: Aicha Vermeulen (Belgium)
2nd distinction: Bogusław Widera
Category specialty of the company (work shop):
Irina Smirnova (Russia)
Katarzyna Palka
Teresa Walasek
Dog model category:
Wiesława Latoś
Milena Zygadło
Junior dog model category:
Aleksandra Lechowska
Groomer of the year: Zygmunt Stelmach
Best in Show: Zygmunt Stelmach
All participants received diplomas confirming their participation in the competition. Nominated people additionally received diplomas as documents confirming the positions and titles obtained at MGS 2012.
The organizer provided prizes and commemorative cups for the nominees in individual categories.
Judging staff
Umberto Lehmann (Italy). President of the European Grooming Association, President of the Italian Grooming Association, Ambassador of Oster in Europe, organizer of the Milangroom competition in Italy, international grooming judge in all categories. He opened his first grooming salon in 1980. Previously, he bred, showed and trained purebred dogs. Since 1985, 190 students have graduated from his grooming school, specializing in grooming various breeds. By 2001, he had won several gold and silver medals in the USA, Europe and Canada in four events. Umberto was a member of the Italian Groomteam, which in 1996 took 3rd place at the USA World Championships held during the INTERGROOM competition. Member of the European Team winning 2nd place at the World Championships in Canada in 2001. From 1989 to 2010, he judged over 80 grooming competitions and gave over 100 demonstrations at seminars in the USA, Europe, Russia, Taiwan and Poland. Title Winner: Groomer of the Year 1987 at the Cardinal Crystal Grooming Achivement Award. Referee of the World Team Championships in England in 1999, in 2003 in Spain, in 2005 in France, and in 2009 in Germany. Umberto judged 4 Tournaments of Champions organized by Oster: in 1997 in New York, 1999 in France, 2005 in Germany and 2008 in Las Vegas.
Kitty Ponnet (Belgium). Judge of grooming competitions, multiple participant of the most important competitions in Europe and the USA with excellent results. Co-founder of the Grooming School in Belgium – K2 Grooming Akademy. Kitty gives many dog care seminars and demonstrations. He is a trainer preparing groomers for hairdressing competitions and the Groomteam Belgium team for the World Championships. Her motto: “Nobody knows enough about their profession.”
Mirjam Van den Bosch (Netherlands). A groomer of great talent, the only two-time winner of the “The Oster Invitational Tournament of Champions” competition in Europe (in the USA 1996, in Europe 2007) in standard poodle grooming. These achievements took her to the highest level. In addition, Mirjam is a multiple-time winner of gold, silver and bronze medals in Best in Show and Best All Round Groomer awards in Europe and America. Mirjam was introduced to the world of grooming by her mother, who is also a groomer.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
7:00 Thanks to the courtesy of GERMAPOL, a professionally prepared and well-lit bathroom was available to prepare the dog for the competition:
2 bathtubs
4 tables with extension arms
blowers of different power
8:30 Training on dog care conducted by a speaker from DERMAPHARM, one of the sponsors. The training was free of charge for seminar participants. All seminar participants received gifts from DERMAPHARM.
9:30 Seminar. presenters: Umberto Lehmann – exhibition and commercial grooming of the Newfoundland, Kitty Ponnet – setter – beauty and elegance, Mirjam van den Bosch – the art of modeling the poodle.
A professional training video will be recorded from the seminar. The organizer provides interpreters and a large screen on which the details of the show will be presented.
13:30 Initial assessment.
14:00 Start of the competition in the trimming and beginner categories.
17:00 Assessment.
17:30 Announcement of results in the beginner category and nominations in the trimming category.
20:30 Gala dinner.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
8:30 Initial assessment.
9:00 Start of the competition in the spaniels and other pure breeds category.
11:30 Assessment.
12:00 Announcement of nominations.
13:30 Initial assessment.
14:00 Start of the competition in the poodle category, company specialty, dog model and dog junior model.
16:30 Assessment.
17:00 Announcement of nominations.
18:00 BIS and official end of MGS 2012.
During MGS 2012, Grande Finale presented a dog fashion show.
The Grzechowiak Dog Training Center presented a dog training demonstration!
Report from the General Meeting of Members and Supporters of PSG / Gostycyn June 6, 2012
The list of those present at the meeting is a separate document (Appendix No. 1).
The meeting was opened at 4 p.m. by Vice-President Milena Zygadło. After checking the attendance, the candidacies of Ryszard Gałka, the chairman of the meeting, Milena Zygadło, the secretary of the meeting, members of the electoral commission, Izabela Łęgowik and Anna Krauze, were voted on. These candidacies were unanimously accepted;
It was unanimously decided not to appoint the Resolutions and Motions Committee;
The agenda was unanimously approved;
The reports of the Management Board and the Audit Committee for 2011 were read. The reports constitute a separate document (Appendix No. 2);
9 votes in favor of granting discharge to the outgoing Management Board;
In the vote to discharge the Audit Committee, 8 votes in favor and 1 abstention;
The following candidates were proposed for the Management Board: Col. Eliza Tomczak, Milena Zygadło and Zygmunt Stelmach;
The following candidates were proposed for the Audit Committee: Col. Krzysztof Moskwa, Magdalena Felis and Wiesława Latoś;
Those gathered unanimously elected in a secret ballot

new Management Board and CoR. The minutes of the Returning Committee constitute a separate document (Annex No. 3);
Amendments to the Association’s Statute were put to a vote. Amendments to the statute constitute a separate document (Annex No. 4);
Free requests:
It was decided to open an account in EURO.
The owners of the Germapol company – PSG supporting members – offered special discounts for members of the Association with paid dues.
Members of the Association were obliged to post information about their membership in PSG in a visible place in their living room.
The association, in cooperation with Germapol, will prepare self-adhesive car markings for its members.
With this the meeting ended.
Occupational health and safety training for salons and grooming schools / Gostycyn June 6, 2012
On June 6, 2012, the Polish Groomers Association organized and conducted the first seminar in Poland on health and safety and work ergonomics, supported by elements of professional self-education. The occupational health and safety training was conducted by a professional company with a state license and ended with a final exam. The result of passing the exam is obtaining the right to conduct initial training for employees. This training is mandatory for employers and was aimed at owners of salons and grooming schools. 16 people took part in the training, 9 of whom were PSG members.
The aim of the training was to update and supplement knowledge and skills, in particular in the areas of:
assessment of threats occurring in the work process and the risks associated with these threats;
implementing safe and hygienic working conditions and observing them;
protecting employees against work-related risks;
Participants received training materials and brochures with photos and descriptions of grooming equipment supporting work safety and ergonomics.
All participants passed the final exam and received a certificate of completion of occupational health and safety training – the certificates are valid for 5 years.
The last event took place at the headquarters of Germapol, whose owners are supporting members of PSG. Among other things, equipment necessary for the living room was presented. For many participants of the presentation, UV lamps for disinfecting the salon, ultrasonic cleaners and many preparations necessary to maintain the safety and sterility of the equipment, as well as equipment for eye and respiratory protection were new.
Seminar and workshops / Owińska near Poznań March 31 and April 1, 2012
75 people took part in the seminars and 17 in the workshops.
The entire show was digitally recorded by VOJTECH STUDIO. Thanks to shots from three cameras, great training material was created, showing close-ups of all the details of the three demonstrations. It is possible to purchase a two-disc album.
The classes were conducted by Corinna Verschuren (Belgium). The topic of the seminar was the care and commercial cutting of long-haired breeds on the example of the Yorkshire Terrier and Lhasa Apso and the presentation of scissors techniques using the DOG MODEL.
Corinna Verschuren, world-famous specialist, winner of 24 gold, 13 silver and 18 bronze medals and 7 BEST IN SHOW. Champion and Interchampion, founder of the Belgian national team taking part in the World Championships. She is one of the 9 best groomers in the world who took part in the LES POOCHES CHALLENGE competition in New York in 2008. In 2010, she was nominated for the Groomer of the Year award at Cardinal Crystal Achivement Aword. Since 2006, she can be found at most grooming competitions as a judge throughout Europe. He conducts seminars and workshops in the Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Belgium and Poland. Corinna Verschuren can be seen working with various breeds in grooming competitions in Europe and America. Her specialization is poodles and other styled and trimmed breeds. Corinna’s passion has taken her to the highest level to become an expert known all over the world in accordance with her motto: “improving your own skills to be able to show others the wide possibilities of development in grooming”.
During the two-day workshops and seminars, there was an exhibition of the GERMAPOL company, where participants could purchase all the tools used for demonstrations during the seminars and workshops, and more.
All workshop participants received cosmetics sets from Vulpes.
All seminar participants received gifts – cosmetics from Wahl.
Grande Finale, a manufacturer of dog clothes, presented its products and gave gifts to the workshop participants.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
09.00-11.00 Seminar and demo “Exhibition and commercial grooming of Yorkshire Terriers – similarities and differences in effective techniques”
11.00-13.00 Seminar and demo “Cutting demonstration according to participants’ suggestions using a Great Dane model”
13.00-14.00 Lunch on site, ordered and paid individually by seminar participants; drinks available all day at the organizer’s expense.
14.00-17.00 Seminar and demo “Exhibition and commercial grooming of Lhasa Apso – similarities and differences in effective techniques”
17.30 Joint dinner with Corinna Verschuren.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
10.00-14.00 Grooming workshops for Group I conducted by Corinne Verschuren.
14.30-18.30 Grooming workshops for Group II conducted by Corinne Verschuren.
During the seminars, tools and cosmetics necessary for grooming were presented. During the presentation of scissors techniques, the leader presented and explained what cutting effect we can achieve by using different techniques on the same model. This information is very useful in everyday salon work on various commercially trimmed breeds, e.g.: Shih Tzu, Maltese, Poodle, Black Russian Terrier, Bichon, Bolognese, Kerry Blue Terrier and other ornamental long-haired breeds.
Grooming seminar and workshops / Owińska near Poznań November 19-20, 2011
The classes were conducted by Denys Lorrain (France), vice president of the European Grooming Association, world-famous grooming judge, groomer, cynologist, breeder, handler, winner of many awards in prestigious hairdressing competitions.
Denys Lorrain received many prestigious awards as a groomer: he won the Best in Show award several times in several categories, a gold medal at Intergroom in New York. and in 1997 he was honored with the title of World Champion. Since 1998, he has been an international judge of grooming competitions. He has judged three world championships, the European Oster Championships and many other grooming competitions throughout America and Europe. He also participated in various shows that took place in Canada, the United States, Argentina, Taiwan, Russia and Europe. Read more on the Slicey website
During two-day classes at the Germapol company stand, participants could purchase all the tools used for demonstrations during seminars and workshops and even more…
All workshop participants received cosmetics sets from Vulpes.
Event program
Saturday, November 19, 2011
09:00-13:00 Seminar and demo “Exhibition and commercial grooming of West Highland White Terriers – similarities and differences in effective techniques”
14:00-18:00 Seminar and demo “Preparation and cutting of breeds for modeling on the example of an American-type soft coated wheaten terrier – scissors techniques in grooming”
The master presented exhibition grooming. He explained the differences in exhibition and commercial grooming and the preparation of the above-mentioned breed for grooming competitions. During the seminars, tools and cosmetics necessary to perform a Westa grooming session were presented. During the presentation of scissors techniques, the leader presented and explained what cutting effect we can achieve by using different scissors techniques on the same model.

Pet Grooming Show 2022

Metamorfoza Yorka

1 miejsce

Weronika Owczarek

2 miejsce

Klaudia Górna

3 miejsce

Marcin Gubała

Metamorfoza pudla i bichona

1 miejsce

Zuzanna Fulara

2 miejsce

Aleksandra Adrejkowicz

3 miejsce

Marcin Hawro

Metamorfoza shih tzu

1 miejsce

Sandra Mijhed

2 miejsce

Agata Kopeć

3 miejsce

Aleksandra Orc

Metamorfoza maltańczyka

1 miejsce

Izabela Krupska

2 miejsce

Sandra Mijhed

3 miejsce

Weronika Owczarek


1 miejsce

Justyna Węglewska

2 miejsce

Bartłomiej Zdziesiński

3 miejsce

Renata Groux

Nagrody specjalne

Najpiękniejsza metamorfoza

Izabela Krupska

Nagroda specjalna ufundowana przez firmę Germanów

Agata Marciniak

Nagroda specjalna ufundowana przez firmę Sewing

Katarzyna Solińska

Nagroda specjalna ufundowana przez

Agnieszka Szmit-Kowalska

Nagroda specjalna ufundowana przez firmę

Paula Kosińska-Łoś

Nagroda specjalna ufundowana przez firmę ERBE

Bartłomiej Zdziesiński

Nagroda specjalna ufundowana przez firmę Always Your Friend Polska

Małgorzata Lebiedzińska